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Asuminen Raahessa

Housing in Raahe


Local information

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Rental dwelling

You can request information on vacant rental dwellings from the following organisations:

Real estate company Kiinteistö Oy Kummatti

Ratsukatu 7 B, 92150 Raahe

Tel. 044 710 7379

Real estate company Kiinteistö Oy Vihannin Kantti

Kirkkotie 2, 86400 Vihanti

Tel. 040 311 0354

Housing Foundation of Raahe Region (Raahen seudun Asuntosäätiö)

Ollinsaarenkuja 1, Raahe

Tel. 08 211 7251

Pattijoki Youth Housing Association (Pattijoen Nuorisoasunnot ry)

Estate agent Raahen OP-Kiinteistökeskus Oy

Kirkkokatu 34, 92100 Raahe

Tel. 010 257 6242

House managing agency Raahen Isännöintityö Oy

Palokunnankatu 19 B, 92100 Raahe

Tel. 08 223 8714

Senior housing association Vihannin Vanhustenkotiyhdistys ry

Kirkkojärventie 11 and Kirkkotie 15, 86400 Vihanti

Tel. 040 550 8916

Read more: Rental dwelling.

Link redirects to another websiteKummatti real estate company (Kiinteistö Oy Kummatti)

Rental housing

Link redirects to another websiteHousing Foundation of Raahe Region (Raahen seudun Asuntosäätiö)

Rental housing

You can also search for rental dwellings from the following housing websites:

Link redirects to another websiteSearch for rental dwellings

Link redirects to another websiteSearch for rental dwellings

Owner-occupied housing

Most Finns live in owner-occupied dwellings, in other words in dwellings they themselves own. If you buy your own dwelling, it is often less expensive in the long term than living in a rental dwelling.

Read more: Owner-occupied housing.

Temporary housing

If you need temporary housing in the Raahe region, see the following links for further information.

Read more: Temporary housing.

Link redirects to another websiteHotel Raahen Hovi

Hotel Raahen Hovi

Link redirects to another websiteBudget Hotel Raahe

Budget Hotel Raahe

Link redirects to another websiteAparthotel Forenom

Aparthotel Forenom

Accommodation in a crisis situation

If you become homeless due to a crisis or accident, contact the social welfare office.

Social welfare office

Rantakatu 8 E, 3rd floor, 92100 Raahe

Tel. 040 135 8021, 8 am–11 am on weekdays

If your dwelling has been damaged as a result of, say, a fire or water damage, home insurance can, in some cases, cover a part of the additional living expenses. Contact your insurance company as soon as the damage has occurred.

If a member of your family is violent towards you or threatens you with violence, you can seek protection in the Mother and Child Home and Shelter of Raahe (Raahen ensi- ja turvakoti). You can call a shelter at any time of the day or night. You do not need to give your name when you call.

Mother and Child Home and Shelter of Raahe

Fellmaninpuistokatu 11, 92100 Raahe

Tel. 08 221 202

Read more: Accommodation in a crisis situation.

Link redirects to another websiteThe Federation of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters

The Mother and Child Home and Shelter of Raahe

Supported and service housing

In Finland, supported housing (tukiasuminen) and service housing (palveluasuminen) are available to those in need of support in living independently, such as elderly or disabled persons.

Contact the social welfare office for further information.

Social welfare office

Rantakatu 8 E, 3rd floor, 92100 Raahe

Tel. 040 135 8021, 8 am–11 am on weekdays

Read more: Supported and service housing.


If you end up homeless, contact your the social welfare office.

Social welfare office

Rantakatu 8 E, 3rd floor, 92100 Raahe

Tel. 040 135 8021, 8 am–11 am on weekdays

Read more: Accommodation in a crisis situation.

Housing allowance

If you are on a low income, you may be eligible to receive housing allowance from the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, Kela. You can apply for housing allowance at a Kela office in Raahe.

Kela's Raahe office

Kauppakatu 42, 92100 Raahe

See Kela's website for office opening hours. You can also apply for housing allowance online.

Read more: Housing allowance.

Link redirects to another websiteKela (the Social Insurance Institution of Finland)

Search for a customer service point

Waste management and recycling

Every residential property must have an agreement with a waste disposal company on the collection and transport of waste. Such an agreement can apply to the property or be a joint agreement involving several properties.

Further information on waste management in the Raahe region is available on the website of the Town of Raahe.

Read more: Waste management and recycling.

Link redirects to another websiteTown of Raahe

Waste management