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Suomen ja ruotsin kieli Pyhäjoella

Finnish and Swedish in Pyhäjoki

Pyhäjoki is a Finnish-speaking municipality with only a few residents that speak Swedish as their native language.

Local information

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Opportunities to study Finnish or Swedish

In Pyhäjoki, you can study Finnish in Raahe Adult Education Centre’s courses, remotely online, or as independent Tandem language learning. The courses of Kalajoki Adult Education Centre are also within an easy distance.

Intensive contact teaching and integration training is available in Raahe, Kalajoki and Ylivieska. There are also private language teachers operating in the area.

If you have only just moved to Finland, you may be entitled to receive free integration training. It includes intensive Finnish language studies.

You can receive integration training if you are registered as a resident in a Finnish municipality and you have registered as an unemployed job seeker at the TE office.

Kalajoki Christian College and Raudaskylä Christian College both offer TUVA education that prepares you for a degree and strengthens your language skills as well as basic education for adults.

Kalajoki Christian College has its own Kotosuomessa – Finnish language and culture studies for adult immigrants.

Raudaskylä Christian College offers various Finnish language courses for adult immigrants.

More information is available on the institutes´ own websites. Information about the Let's Read Together activities you will find from the library.

You can search for online courses, for example, on the Finnish service.


Kirkkokatu 28 (2. krs), 92100 Raahe

Tel. 040 135 6779, 040 135 6780

email: raaheopisto(at)

Link redirects to another websiteRaahe Adult Education Centre

Raahe Adult Education Centre

Kalajoen kansalaisopisto,

Kalajoentie 24, 85100 Kalajoki

Tel. 044 4691387

Kalajoen Kristillinen Opisto,

Kasarmintie 2, 85101 Kalajoki

Tel. 08 4639 200

email: toimisto[at]

Link redirects to another websiteKalajoki Christian College

Kotosuomessa studies

Raudaskylän Kristillinen Opisto

Opistontie 4-6, 84880 Ylivieska

Tel. 08 4276 200

email: info(at)

Link redirects to another websiteRaudaskylä Christian College

Education for immigrants

Link redirects to another websiteMunicipality of Pyhäjoki


Read more: Studying Finnish