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Suomen ja ruotsin kieli Iisalmessa

Finnish and Swedish in Iisalmi


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Opportunities for studying Finnish

Finnish language courses for immigrants are provided either as integration training or independent studies.

Integration training is organised for adult immigrants who are covered by the Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration. Integration training begins Finnish language studies and familiarisation with Finnish society and working life. The training is usually vocational labour market training, which is intended for unemployed jobseekers. The training is free of charge. Integration training is applied for through TE Services.

Contact information:

Karjalankatu 3


PL 2000

70101 Kuopio


More information on courses and training

You can also study Finnish independently, for example, at an adult education centre. You can apply for a course and pay the course fee yourself.

More information on adult education centre courses and registration:

Read more: Finnish and Swedish