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Veroilmoitus ja verotuspäätös

Tax return and tax decision

In Finland, you will receive a pre-completed tax return from the Tax Administration in March–April. The tax return contains information on the income and deductions of the previous year. Most people receive a tax decision and tax certificate with their tax return. The Tax Administration sends the tax return to MyTax and by post to your home.

Tax return

The tax return contains information on the income, taxes and deductions of the previous year. Check the tax return and correct any missing or incorrect information in the MyTax online service. If the information is correct, you do not need to do anything.

You can use the MyTax online service if you have Finnish online banking credentials or the Mobile Certificate. You can correct all the information in MyTax. If you report the information on paper, correct the information using the separate forms mentioned for each detail in the tax return. Please note that the forms must be received by the Tax Administration no later than the date specified on your tax return.

Link redirects to another websiteFinnish Tax Administration

Tax return and tax decision

Check deductions

You may be entitled to certain deductions that reduce the total amount of tax you must pay. The Tax Administration makes some of the deductions automatically, but some deductions you must report yourself. You can file the deductions for your tax card or report them in your tax return.

Deductions may include the following, for example:

  • expenses for the production of income
  • labour market organisation membership fees and unemployment fund fees
  • deduction for commuting expenses, i.e. daily travel from home to work.

If you receive wage income, you will automatically receive a deduction of €750 for the production of income. If you have expenses for the production of income exceeding €750, report the expenses in your tax return. There may be costs associated with working remotely that you are allowed to deduct against tax. These include, for example, expenses on the office, tools and communication.

You can deduct travel expenses that are related to working and going to work. Travel between home and work can be deducted according to which means of transport is cheapest. Labour market organisation membership fees and unemployment fund fees are fully deducted from your earned income.

Link redirects to another websiteFinnish Tax Administration

Deductions in taxation

Tax decision

You can see the final result of your taxes for the previous year in your tax decision. If you make changes to your pre-completed tax return or the Tax Administration receives information that affects your taxation from elsewhere (for example, from the employer), you will receive a new tax decision. The tax decision includes a calculation of the final result of your taxes. You may need a tax decision, for example, when you apply for a rental home or must pay day care fees.

Keep the pre-completed tax return, tax decision and tax certificate. If necessary, you can also print them out later on from MyTax.

Tax refund and back tax

The tax decision indicates whether the correct amount of taxes has been withheld from your salary. If you have paid too much tax, you will receive a tax refund. If you have paid too little tax, you will have to pay back tax.

The tax refund will be paid into the bank account you have indicated. Report your account number in the MyTax online service or using a paper form. If the Tax Administration does not know your account number, the tax refund is paid as a payment order, i.e. a remittance via Nordea.

If you have paid too little tax during the year, you will have to pay the missing amount in back tax. The tax decision or MyTax provides all the information you need when paying back taxes.

Link redirects to another websiteFinnish Tax Administration

Tax refunds

Link redirects to another websiteFinnish Tax Administration

Report your account number

Link redirects to another websiteFinnish Tax Administration

Back tax