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Perhe Vantaalla

Family in Vantaa

This page contains information on matters related to family life in Vantaa, such as marriage, services for families with children and caring for relatives. We can also tell you where to get help if you have family problems.

Local information

Select your municipality in order to see information about local services when browsing the site.


Before getting married, you must request in writing an examination of the possible impediments to your marriage (avioliiton esteiden tutkiminen). The examination of impediments is done at the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. You can submit the examination request to any service location. More information is available at the Digital and Population Data Services Agency website. Civil marriages are also performed at the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.

Digital and Population Data Services Agency
Lintulahdenkuja 2
00530 Helsinki
Email: (Link opens default mail program)
Tel. switchboard 029 55 36244

Read more: Marriage

Link redirects to another websiteDigital and Population Data Services Agency

Request for an examination of impediments to marriage

Link redirects to another websiteDigital and Population Data Services Agency

Getting married

Link redirects to another websiteOrthodox Parish of Helsinki

Information on Orthodox marriages


Women and men can file for divorce at the office of the District Court of Vantaa. You can file for divorce independently or together with your spouse. You can take the application to the District Court office or send it there by post, fax or e-mail.

Vantaan käräjäoikeus
Kielotie 21, PL 194
01301 Vantaa
Tel. 029 56 45200

Read more: Divorce.

Children in a divorce

The Family Law Services Unit (Perheoikeudellisten asioiden yksikkö) in Vantaa confirms agreements concerning the living arrangements, custody, rights of access and maintenance support of children. If you have children and you are planning on getting a divorce, please contact a child welfare supervisor (lastenvalvoja) of the wellbeing services county. Child welfare supervisors also advise divorcing parents.

You can find the contact information of the child welfare supervisors on the website of the Wellbeing Services County of Vantaa and Kerava.

Read more: Children in a divorce.

Do you need a lawyer?

If you need legal assistance, you can contact any legal aid office, regardless of your place of residence. The Itä-Uusimaa Legal Aid Office (Itä-Uudenmaan oikeusaputoimisto) serves the residents of Vantaa.

Itä-Uusimaa Legal Aid Office, Vantaa unit
Vernissakatu 4, 6th floor
01300 Vantaa
Tel. 029 5660 160
E-mail: (Link opens default mail program)

You can also look for information on private lawyers on the website of the Finnish Bar Association (Suomen Asianajajaliitto), for example.

Link redirects to another websiteWellbeing services county of Vantaa and Kerava

Contact information for child welfare supervisors

Link redirects to another websiteItä-Uusimaa Legal Aid Office

Information about legal aid

Link redirects to another websiteThe Finnish Bar Association


Child’s birth

Information regarding a child’s birth is sent from the hospital to the Finnish Population Information System. You have to inform the Digital and Population Data Services Agency about the child’s names, native language and other necessary information on a separate form that will be sent to your home.

You can read more about the registration of a child’s birth, recognition of paternity and custody on the InfoFinland page: When a child is born in Finland.

Taking care of a child

Day care

You can find information about children’s day care in Vantaa on the InfoFinland page Education in Vantaa.

Child home care allowance

If you are taking care of a child under the age of 3 years at home, you can receive child home care allowance (kotihoidon tuki). Apply for the allowance from Kela.

In addition, the City of Vantaa pays a municipal supplement to child home care allowance to parents taking care of a child under the age of 1.5 years at home You do not need to apply separately for the supplement, Kela will add the Vantaa supplement (Vantaa-lisä) to the child home care allowance.

Home service for families with children

If you are exhausted, need support during pregnancy or with a small baby, or have other challenges in your family or everyday life, you can contact the home service for families with children. The service strengthens the well-being of families and supports and guides families in how to cope independently in everyday life. Home service help and support is always temporary. The service can involve, for example, child care and essential help in caring for the home.

Home service for families with children
Tel. 09 4191 5200
Mon–Fri 9.00–12.00

Open day-care centres and residents’ parks

Open day-care centres (avoin päiväkoti) are meant for children under the school-age and their parents or carers taking care of them at home.

Residents’ parks (asukaspuisto) are meant for children of all ages and they parents or carers. Very young children can participate in activities with their parent or carer.

The activities of open day-care centres and residents’ parks are free of charge and do not require advance registration. The activities include games and guided activities, such as music, sports and trips.


The City of Vantaa organises clubs (kerho) for children aged 2.5–5 years who are in home care. Clubs are free of charge. At clubs, children learn Finnish, how to act in a group and meet other children. Apply to clubs with the same early education application (varhaiskasvatushakemus) that you use to apply for day care.

Link redirects to another websiteCity of Vantaa

Club activities

Temporary child care

If you need a temporary childminder at home, you can contact the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare or Väestöliitto, the Family Federation of Finland. Temporary child care help is subject to a fee.

Link redirects to another websiteMannerheim League for Child Welfare

Help for childcare

Link redirects to another websiteFamily Federation of Finland

Childcare and domestic help

Problems in the family

The Wellbeing Services County of Vantaa and Kerava offers families with children guidance, expert advice and other support from family counselling services. You can contact us if you need help with the growth and development of children and young people, family life or relationships. Family counselling services are confidential and free of charge.  You can find the contact information on the website of the Wellbeing Services County of Vantaa and Kerava.

In sudden family crisis situations, you can contact the Social and Crisis Emergency Services (sosiaali- ja kriisipäivystys), which are always open.

Social and Crisis Emergency Services
Tel. 09 4191 5800

The family guidance of the Vantaa Evangelical Lutheran Parish Union also helps with relationship and family issues.

Children's problems

Child health clinics (lastenneuvola) and family counselling centres (perheneuvola) provide advice on questions related to the health or growth and development of children.

School nurses (kouluterveydenhoitaja), school social workers (koulukuraattori) and social instructors (sosiaaliohjaaja) can help with the problems of school-age children.

You can find more information on the website of the Wellbeing Services County of Vantaa and Kerava.

Link redirects to another websiteWellbeing services county of Vantaa and Kerava

Child health clinics

Link redirects to another websiteVantaan ja Keravan hyvinvointialue

East Vantaa child psychology services

Link redirects to another websiteVantaan ja Keravan hyvinvointialue

West Vantaa child psychology services

Young people’s problems

At school, young people receive help from student healthcare nurses, school social workers and psychologists.

Services of the family counselling clinic for young people

Children and young people aged 13–21 years and their parents living in Vantaa have a right to low-threshold discussion support from the family counselling clinic team (perheneuvolapalvelujen tiimi). They can support you, for example, in matters related to parenting and raising children, life management, social relationships, mental well-being and substance abuse. You can find the contact information on the website of the Wellbeing Services County of Vantaa and Kerava (Vantaan ja Keravan hyvinvointialueen verkkosivut). 


If you are under 30 years old, you can get advice and guidance from the Ohjaamo service. Ohjaamo staff help people who do not have a job or study place. You can also ask about other things, such as housing or money matters.

Emergency Youth Shelter

The Emergency Youth Shelter of the Finnish Red Cross (Suomen Punaisen Ristin Nuorten turvatalo) helps and supports 12–19-year-olds in crisis situations. The shelter is open from 5 pm to 10 am, the helpline is always open.

Nuorten turvatalo
Sairaalakatu 3
01400 Vantaa
Tel. 09 871 4043
E-mail: (Link opens default mail program)

Link redirects to another websiteWellbeing services county of Vantaa and Kerava

Information about school health care

Link redirects to another websiteWellbeing services county of Vantaa and Kerava

Services of the family counselling clinic for young people

Link redirects to another websiteOhjaamo Vantaa


Child welfare

If you suspect that a child or young person needs help from Child Welfare (lastensuojelu), contact emergency child welfare services.

Emergency services for families with children and child welfare
tel. 09 419 15500, Mon–Fri 8.00–16.00
Email: (Link opens default mail program)

evenings and weekends

Social and Crisis Emergency Services
tel.09 4191 5800

Read more on the InfoFinland pages Child welfare and Problems in the family.

Link redirects to another websiteCity of Vantaa

Child welfare report


In an emergency, call the emergency number 112.

In crisis situations, you can get help from Social and Crisis Emergency Services, which are always open.

Social and Crisis Emergency Services (Sosiaali- ja kriisipäivystys)
Tel. 09 4191 5800

Help for immigrant women

If you have experienced violence or threats, you can get help and support at Crisis Center Monika. You can do it anonymously and without making an appointment. You can get help in many different languages.

Free helpline 0800 05058, Mon–Fri 9:00–16:00


You can go to a shelter if you are in danger at home or in your local community because of violence. The Mona Shelter is a shelter with a secret address for immigrant women and their children.

Mona Shelter
Tel. 045 639 6274

The Mona Shelter offers services in many different languages. You can also get the help of an interpreter.

You can also go to the Vantaa Shelter (Vantaan turvakoti) or the Helsinki Shelter (pääkaupunkiseudun turvakoti).

Vantaa Shelter
Koivukylän puistotie 27
01360 Vantaa
Tel. 040 4555 543

Helsinki Shelter
Turvakoti Hertta
Työnjohtajankatu 7 C
00880 Helsinki
Puh. 09 4777 180

Turvakoti Toukola
Hämeentie 126 F
00560 Helsinki
Puh. 050 565 0636

Help for men

Men who have used violence against family members or who have themselves experienced violence in their family can get help at the Vantaa Shelter’s outpatient unit.

Vantaa Shelter’s outpatient services
Tel. 040 773 1063, Mon–Fri 9.00-15.00
E-mail: (Link opens default mail program)

Link redirects to another websiteTurvakoti Mona


Link redirects to another websiteVantaa shelter association


Link redirects to another websitePääkaupungin Turvakoti ry

Help for victims of domestic violence


Vantaa has services especially designed for elderly persons. For more information about them, contact the Counselling for senior citizens.

Counselling for senior citizens
Tel.: 09 4191 6000
Email: (Link opens default mail program)

If you care for a family member at home

When a family member needs help continuously and their care is binding and demanding, you may be entitled to informal care allowance (omaishoidon tuki).

The assessment of an elderly person’s informal care support is handled by Counselling for Senior Citizens.

To read more, go to: Elderly.

Link redirects to another websiteWellbeing services county of Vantaa and Kerava

Guidance for elderly citizens

When a close family member dies in Finland

Vantaa has four cemeteries, which belong of the Evangelical Lutheran parishes.

There is also a joint cemetery of Vantaa and Helsinki in Honkanummi, Vantaa, for persons who did not belong to any religion.

For more information about burial, contact the funeral home of the Vantaa Parish Union (Vantaan seurakuntien hautatoimisto)and private funeral homes (hautaustoimisto).

Funeral home of the Vantaa Parish Union
Pappilankuja 5
01510 Vantaa
Tel. 09 8306 220
E-mail: (Link opens default mail program)

If someone close to you dies suddenly, you can get help in processing the difficult experience and support in coping with the loss from Social and Crisis Emergency Services (sosiaali- ja kriisipäivystys). The helpline is always open.

Social and Crisis Emergency Services (Sosiaali- ja kriisipäivystys)
Tel. 009 4191 5800

Read more: When a close family member dies in Finland.

Link redirects to another websiteParish Union of Vantaa


Link redirects to another websiteParish Union of Helsinki

Non-denominational cemetery

Link redirects to another websiteThe Finnish Association of Funeral Homes

Funeral homes

Link redirects to another websiteWellbeing services county of Vantaa and Kerava

Social and Crisis Emergency Centre