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Työ ja yrittäjyys Kauniaisissa

Work and Enterprise in Kauniainen


Local information

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Where to find work?

The Uusimaa TE Office assists residents of Kaunianen with finding employment. The nearest office is in Espoo.

Uusimaa Employment and Economic Development Office, Espoo
Kauppakeskus Sello
Leppävaarankatu 3-9
02600 Espoo

Read more: Employment and entrepreneurship in Espoo

You can find information about TE Office services on the InfoFinland page If you become unemployed(Link leads to external service). Read more about looking for work in Finland on the InfoFinland page Find a job in Finland.

Seure is a staffing agency providing short-term jobs at the cities of Helsinki, Vantaa, Espoo and Kauniainen and the wellbeing services counties. The jobs are at schools, day-care centres and hospitals, for example.

Link redirects to another websiteCity of Kauniainen


Unemployment benefit

Read more about applying for unemployment benefit on the InfoFinland page Unemployment benefit.

Starting a business

The InfoFinland pages titled Starting a business provide information on establishing a business in Finland. Read more about local services on the pages Employment and entrepreneurship in Espoo and Employment and entrepreneurship in Helsinki.

If you are an entrepreneur, you can join the Kauniaisten Yrittäjät ry association. It is an organisation that supervises the interests of entrepreneurs, along with providing training, networks and advice.

Link redirects to another websiteKauniaisten Yrittäjät ry

Information for entrepreneurs


Helsinki Metropolitan Area Tax Office is located in Helsinki.

Hämeentie 15

Immigrants can also use the International House Helsinki service point.

International House Helsinki
Lintulahdenkuja 2
00530 Helsinki

Read more: Taxation